Heroic Doctor Administers Heimlich Maneuver to Choking Comedian

El Segundo, CA — In a courageous act of kindness that was at first assumed to be an elaborate bit, audience member Dr. Neelesh Bagrodia was lauded as a hero Wednesday night after administering the Heimlich maneuver to a choking comedian at Big Chillin’ LA’s weekly open mic.

Bagrodia’s medical knowledge became critically important when open mic regular and 8 Mile mega-fan Trevor Jansen began to feel like his “knees were weak” and his “arms were heavy” on stage as he kept on forgetting what he wrote down.

“When my opening line fell flat, I knew I was in trouble,” reported a grateful, albeit vomit-stained Jensen. “The rest of the words in my act seemed to fall right out of my head and onto my sweater. Every joke I had ever written was reduced to a metaphorical noodle in mom’s literal spaghetti. Thank goodness that doctor with the sexy name was there.”

Being a trained medical professional, Dr. Bagrodia was able to identify Jensen’s line of “I need a doctor!” as a legitimate cry for help and not an avant-garde bit; while the rest of the laypeople in the crowd paused for the punchline, Bagrodia sprung into action to assess the situation.

“How anyone thought he was trying to be funny is beyond my comprehension,” Bagrodia said of having saved a comedian from choking to death on an ice cube. “That young man was in clear, visible pain. His eyes were practically popping out of his head. I guess he was nervous, so he gulped down his water too quickly and some ice got lodged in his throat. I helped him out, but I suppose the ice would have melted in more than enough time anyway, which is, ironically, kind of funny when you think about it.”

While Bagrodia claimed he would have done the same for any comedian he saw choking, he did clarify that someone with an entirely different skill-set would be required to dismantle a bomb.

By Thomas Johnston.

Published by The Bringer

Comedy news that bombs. Satirical stories about stand-up.

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